12/01/2019 V107 Modification des courbes Ajout d'une courbe "Linéaire" c'est a dire sans fade dans le menu et possibilite de changement depiuis la console sur le canal controleControl channel 10 or 15 Level 00-10 Idle 11-20 Zoom reset 21-30 idle 31-40 Standard (default) 41-50 Stage 51-60 TV 61-70 Architect 71-80 Theater 81-90 Linear 91-255 idle 22/10/2021 V108 + V107 Modifications du firmware U1 pour prendre en compte plusieurs types de CPU. Le U2 utilise toujours le firmware V107 20/01/2025 V110 In case of temperatures below 0° it could happen that the zoom did not reset correctly and therefore the led could not light up and the warming up time could be quite long since the only heat source was the motors. With this new version there are 2 possibilities selectable in the menu, either for a standalone use "ColdStart Auto", or for a live use with a console "ColdStart Manual". - ColdStart Manual: If the temperature is < 0° and the zoom reset fails after 100 seconds, the display shows "ZOOM ERROR" but it is possible to light the led to warm up the ParKolor more quickly. A reset via the dmx or by the menu can be done without turning off the led. - ColdStart Auto: If the temperature is < 0° and the zoom reset fails 100 seconds, the display shows "ZOOM ERROR" but it is possible to turn on the led to warm up the ParKolor more quickly. Once the temperature is > 0°, the zoom will reset automatically without turning off the led.