28/08/2021 V1.0.1 Version originale 26/01/2022 V1.0.2 Pas de modification mais supporte plusieurs type de processeurs. The improved point: -As the STM IC shortage, we changed the MCU to other brand for mass production. In order to keep the software compatible, we improved the software. (Please rest assured that we ensured all the functions works normal and 100% compatible with the sold products before used this software for mass production) 1U display PCB and 6U network PCB : APM MCU --> GD MCU 02/08/2022 V1.03 Un mode M-B a été ajouté permettant de simuler un Mini-B. Attention le mode l'adressage double ne fonctionne pas pour ce mode. An M-B mode has been added to simulate a Mini-B. Please note that the double addressing mode does not work for this mode. 29/09/2022 V1.04 Correction du menu double adressage. La couleur rouge indiquant la non disponibilité des adresses a été supprimée car ne fonctionnait pas correctement en adressage simple et pouvais induire une erreur pour le technicien. 28/02/2024 V1.0.5 - From this version 2 types of files are available for updating. Either the firmware can be used independently after replacing an electronic card for example, or a file compiling all the projector firmwares, much more practical when using the external programmer box. - When Artnet signal is present it is possible to recover the DMX signal on the XLRs by activating the FUNCTION menu > Artnet To XLR > On/Off. Note that Arnet always has priority over wired. - Mode extended 8bits and 16bits added. Now a dimmer is added at the virtual color wheel foreground and 1 for the virtual color wheel background. 12/06/2024 V1.0.6 - In some cases with previous versions, the tilt could make small movements in a random manner. This version corrects this defect.